Lack of energy is a common concern, whether it be due to sleep deprivation, stress, or a medical condition. As such, an increasing number of people are looking towards energy supplements to increase their energy levels, and this trend is set to continue in 2024. Also known as energy boosters and stimulants, these products help young and old alike deal with fatigue and … [Read more...]
Carbohydrate as a Post Workout
Consuming carbohydrates after a workout - particularly in combination with protein - promotes recovery. Carbohydrates are the most widely consumed dietary nutrient. Carbohydrates should be taken post-workout thanks to two main benefits: Replenishing energy. Carbohydrates help replenish the energy lost through exercise, primarily through restoring glycogen. Muscle … [Read more...]
Neuriva Ultra vs Prevagen: Two Questionable Nootropics?
Neuriva Ultra vs Prevagen Summary While neither Neuriva Ultra nor Prevagen makes it among my highest-rated brain supplements, Neuriva Ultra is the winner between the two. It has more ingredients than Prevagen (6 vs 2), and the ingredients themselves are more researched when it comes to improving your memory and long-range brain health. With that said, both products are … [Read more...]
Vyvamind vs Noocube: Which is Better?
Noocube vs Vyvamind Summary If you're looking to improve your focus, memory, and support eye health, Noocube is the one to go for. It costs less than Vyamind ($64.99 vs $72.99) while offering more ingredients and a broader range of cognitive benefits. Vyvamind is marketed as a neurostimulant and a natural alternative to Adderall, but its formula is not potent enough to live up … [Read more...]
Vanadium for Blood Sugar
Trace mineral vanadium holds real promise as an alternative to blood sugar medications. Vanadium is a trace mineral whose role in human health continues to be debated. Vanadium has been suggested to help control blood sugar by: Mimicking and enhancing insulin. Vanadium appears to mimic and enhance the effects of insulin. Overview Vanadium is a metal trace mineral … [Read more...]