FenuLife® is the only patented fenugreek fiber extract shown to alleviate heartburn and promote healthy body weight.
FenuLife is a fiber-rich fenugreek extract used to control blood sugar, relieve heartburn, and promote weight loss. This review details its advantages over plain fenugreek supplements:
- Patented. FenuLife is made through a proprietary process, and is the only fenugreek extract patented for alleviating heartburn and acid reflux.
- Clinically Researched. The weight management and heartburn relief benefits of FenuLife are supported by clinical studies.
- Standardized. The extract is guaranteed to contain 85% of soluble fiber galactomannan.
FenuLife is a patented galactomannan fiber extract made from fenugreek seeds produced by Israeli company Frutarom. Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) has a long history of use as a medicinal herb, and remains popular today for improving digestion, reducing blood sugar levels, and increasing milk supply.
Similarly to basic fenugreek, FenuLife is used to help with heartburn and elevated blood sugar levels, in addition to promoting weight loss. However, it is unique for being standardized to 85% soluble fiber, most of which is the soluble fiber galactomannan. By contrast, generic fenugreek supplements contain whole powdered seed or are standardized to a certain percentage of saponins – a different active ingredient.
In addition, FenuLife stands out as a clinically-tested ingredient, with several human studies backing its benefits. FenuLife is also deodorized, meaning that it does not have the strong odor associated with fenugreek products.
How does FenuLife work?
The galactomannan in FenuLife – which is a type of soluble fiber – absorbs water in the stomach, forming a thick, gel-like mass. This gel slows down gastric emptying (the time it takes food to go from your stomach into the small intestine) and the absorption of glucose.
These effects make you feel more full and help control blood sugar levels. In addition, it can also help reduce acid reflux and its main symptom – heartburn – by forming a barrier that protects stomach cells and prevents the flow of stomach contents back into the throat.

FenuLife Patents
FenuLife Preparation
This patent describes the manufacturing process of FenuLife from a special variety of fenugreek called Canafen (U.S. Patent 5997877A). This process includes fractionating (separating out into different components) fenugreek seeds, and then purifying the resulting mixture to produce an odorless, tasteless extract containing 85% soluble fiber, with galactomannan being the predominant ingredient.
FenuLife for heartburn and GERD
This patent protects the use of FenuLife for reducing heartburn and other symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Under this patent, FenuLife fiber is proposed to work by soaking up water in the stomach, resulting in a solution that protects stomach cells from acid and prevents the flow of stomach contents into the esophagus (U.S. Patent 20090252792A1).
FenuLife Nutritional Supplement Uses
FenuLife is mainly used in three types of dietary supplements:
Blood Sugar Supplements
Elevated blood sugar levels are the central feature of diabetes, and are also associated with obesity and poor appetite control. FenuLife can be used in blood sugar control supplements because soluble fiber has been shown to slow down the absorption of glucose, helping maintain a steady level of blood sugar after a meal instead of a large spike and crash.
Acid Reflux Supplements
FenuLife has been demonstrated to be about as effective at relieving gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and heartburn as Ranitidine – a prescription heartburn medication. These benefits are believed to result from galatcomannan’s:
- Protection of stomach lining from acid
- Prevention of stomach contents moving back up into the throat
- Potential reduction of stomach acid production
Fat Loss Supplements
FenuLife’s contains 85% total fenugreek fibers, with the main one being the soluble fiber galactomannan. Fiber supplements are a popular method of promoting fat and overall weight loss because fiber makes you feel more full without adding any calories. These appetitie-reducing effects of FenuLife are backed by a human study.
Read more: How do fat loss supplements work?
FenuLife Advantages
Compared to generic fenugreek supplements, FenuLife stands out for being:
- Patented: FenuLife is the only patented fenugreek extract patented to alleviate heartburn and GERD.
- Standardized: FenuLife is standardized to provide a precise amount (85%) of fiber, most of which comes in the form of the soluble fiber galactomannan.
- Clinically-effective: FenuLife’s heartburn and appetite-reducing benefits are backed by human clinical trials.
- Safe: FenuLife is Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) by the FDA and has been demonstrated to be safe in human studies.

FenuLife Research
Human Research
Human studies of FenuLife support claims of promoting healthy body weight and relieving heartburn.
FenuLife (8 g) may help promote weight loss by increasing satiety and reducing food intake
This single-blind, randomized, crossover study examined the weight loss effects of FenuLife. Eighteen obese participants had a breakfast containing 0 g, 4 g, or 8 g of fenugreek fiber. The breakfast test was repeated again so that everyone tried all three versions. The 8 g dose improved self-reported ratings of satiety & fullness, and reduced ratings of hunger. In addition, people who took 8 g of fenugreek ate less food during the subsequent lunch.
- The researchers concluded that “Fenugreek fiber (8 g) significantly increased satiety and reduced energy intake at lunch, suggesting it may have short-term beneficial effects in obese subjects.” 1
FenuLife (4 g) may provide heartburn relief
This pilot study examined the efficacy of FenuLife for alleviating heartburn. A total of 45 people with frequent heartburn were supplemented with placebo, Ranitidine (150 mg) – a prescription heartburn medication, or FenuLife (2 g taken twice a day) capsules daily before meals for 2 weeks. FenuLife reduced heartburn severity, with most participants having 2-3 heartburn-free days by the end of the study. Furthermore, its effectiveness was similar to Ranitidine – a prescription heartburn medication.
- The researchers concluded that “…people with certain degrees of heartburn can benefit from a fenugreek fiber product.” 2
FenuLife Dosage
- Positive clinical studies have used 4 and 8 g daily dosages
- Standalone FenuLife supplements typically come in 1 g dosages
- The manufacturer of FenuLife recommends 1.5-8 g daily for weight management, and 2-4 g daily for blood glucose control and acid reflux
Supplements in Review Recommendation
- FenuLife®, 4-8 g daily.
FenuLife is a unique fiber extract that can alleviate heartburn and aid weight loss. If you’re taking fenugreek supplements particularly for heartburn or weight loss, then FenuLife is a solid choice because it is specialized for these uses, and proven to work in research studies.
Research suggests doses of 4-8 g. Clinical studies of FenuLife suggest that 4 g was successful at alleviating heartburn, and 8 g for weight loss.
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