Patented herbal blend Urox® is a clinically-effective, natural approach to dealing with bladder control issues.
Urox is a patented herbal blend used to promote healthy bladder function. It helps people deal with bladder weakness issues. This Urox review details its advantages over generic bladder health supplements:
- Patented. Urox’s proprietary formula and its use for relieving overactive bladder and bladder weakness is backed by worldwide and U.S. patents.
- Clinically Researched. Published and unpublished clinical studies of Urox report improvements of lower urinary tract symptoms and quality of life.
- Safe. Urox has been demonstrated to be safe and does not cause any notable side effects.
- Established. Urox was first released in 1999, and has undergone multiple formula improvements over its two-decade history.
Urox is a patented herbal bladder support formula manufactured by Australian company Seipel Group. Urox contains a blend of three medicinal herbs – Crataeva nurvala stem bark (Cratevox™), Equisetem arvense (horsetail) stem, and Lindera aggregata root. Together, they help strengthen the muscles of the bladder and support surrounding connective tissue to help promote healthy urination.
Urox is primarily used to help with bladder control issues, which are characterized by:
- Excessive urination
- Bed wetting
- Involuntary urine loss
- Urine leakage during exercise or other strenuous activities
- Urgent need to urinate
Although these problems can affect people of any age, they are more common in children, men & women over 50, and in mothers after childbirth. What sets Urox apart from other bladder and urinary tract supplements is that its efficacy is supported by clinical research. In fact, it is such a promising supplement that the federal government of Australia funded several studies to prove its benefits.
Urox was first formulated in 1999 by Australian naturopathic doctor Tracey Seipel, who was unhappy with the lack of effective, side-effect-free treatment options for bladder weakness. She started her own company to further improve the Urox formula, refining it over the next 20 years to produce faster results at a lower dosage.

How does Urox work?
Urox works by relaxing, toning, and strengthening the muscles in the bladder wall, pelvic floor, and urethral sphincter, all of which play a role in healthy urination by controlling the filling and emptying of the bladder. In addition, it also helps support collagen and other parts of connective tissue in the surrounding area.
Urox Patents
Urox for overactive bladder & bladder control
This patent protects the unique Urox formula and its use in the prevention and treatment of overactive bladder and urinary incontinence (loss of bladder control), as well as symptoms of related conditions such as benign prostatic hyperplasia and urinary tract infections. (U.S. Patent 9452191B2).
Urox for benign prostatic hyperplasia and related issues
Bladder issues in men often go hand in hand with prostate problems, the most common of which are benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and prostatitis. This patent describes the the combination of Urox with prostate health ingredients such as saw palmetto to help not only with an overactive bladder and loss of bladder control, but also the symptoms of BPH and prostatitis (U.S. Patent 20130259958A1).
Urox Nutritional Supplement Uses
Urox is most commonly sold as a standalone bladder support supplement used to help with common bladder issues such as overactive bladder (OAB) and loss of bladder control. In addition to this, it is sometimes added to:
Prostate Health Supplements
The main symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and prostatitis (prostate inflammation) – frequent urination, urgent need to urinate, difficulty emptying the bladder, and others – are all related to abnormal urination. Because of this, it’s possible to target the symptoms of both these prostate concerns and bladder issues with Urox, especially when it is combined with prostate health ingredients such as saw palmetto.
One particularly notable supplement in this category is called ProRox, which is manufactured by the same company as Urox.
Read more: Prostate health and BPH
Urox Advantages
Compared to generic bladder health supplements, Urox has the advantages of:
- Clinical research: Urox’s bladder health benefits is backed by several human studies, including a high-quality randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind trial – the gold standard of human research.
- Safety: Urox has been shown to be safe in human studies, and uses the same herbs employed in traditional medicine for thousands of years.
- Established. Urox has been sold for nearly two decades, and undergone continuous formulation improvements to make it more effective. Whereas it originally took about 3 months to see benefits, the current formula needs only 1 month.
- Patented formula. Unlike typical single-ingredient products, Urox is a proprietary blend of multiple medicinal herbs.
Urox Research
Human Research
Urox (840 mg) may help symptoms of overactive bladder and urinary incontinence
This randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled study examined the effects of Urox on symptoms of overactive bladder (OAB) and loss of bladder control (urinary incontinence, UI). A total of 150 participants with symptoms of OAB/UI were given two placebo or Urox capsules daily (840 mg total) for 8 weeks. The Urox group experienced reductions in frequency of daytime & nighttime urination, symptoms of urinary urgency and loss of bladder control, and improvements in quality of life.
- The researchers concluded that “The outcome of this study demonstrated both statistical significance and clinical relevance in reducing symptoms of OAB, urinary frequency and/or urgency and incontinence.” 1

Urox Dosage
- The only published clinical study of Urox used 840 mg dosages (two capsules)
- Standalone Urox supplements is also provide an 840 mg dosage
- Multi-ingredient supplements use similar Urox dosages
- Urox’s manufacturers recommend taking 2 capsules daily, or two capsules twice a day for faster results
Supplements in Review Recommendation
- Urox®, 840 mg (two capsules) daily.
Urox is a clinically-effective, natural approach to dealing with bladder issues. Although it’s too early to recommend Urox outright due to the small quantity of research evidence, current data does suggest that it is an effective, side-effect free, natural approach to bladder weakness and related bladder issues.
Research suggests 840 mg (two capsule) doses. The only dosage used in research-and recommended by Urox’s manufacturer – is two capsules (840 mg) daily.
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