Broccoli-derived sulforaphane is one of the most promising phytochemicals for promoting good health and long life. Broccoli has garnered increasing attention as a way to promote longevity. As a greens supplement, it may benefit your health through: Activating NRF-2. This genetic pathway may promote longevity and protect from chronic conditions by fighting … [Read more...]
Huperzine-A as a Pre-Workout
Moss-derived compound huperzine-A is used to enhance cognition during exercise. Huperzine-A is a naturally found compound in the club moss plant that is refined in science labs and may provide pre workout benefits: Enhanced cognition. Huperzine-A may improve cognitive performance, especially focus and alertness. Improved muscle strength. The moss derived compound … [Read more...]
Zinc as a Nootropic
Essential mineral zinc may modestly improve cognitive function. As an essential part of the human diet, zinc contributes to health on numerous fronts. It may particularly benefit brain health through: Neuroprotection. Zinc may help keep the brain functioning effectively and protect it from cognitive impairment such as Alzheimer's. Improving mood. Low zinc content … [Read more...]
Shark Cartilage for Joint Health
Controversial supplement shark cartilage may stifle cartilage deterioration. Shark cartilage is a natural supplement produced from the dried cartilage of sharks. It has displayed potential to benefit joint health by: Reducing cartilage breakdown. Shark cartilage has been shown to promote anti-inflammatory, anti-angiogenic, and antioxidant effects. Improving cartilage … [Read more...]
Quercetin for Testosterone
Phytochemical quercetin may help maintain or even increase testosterone levels, but evidence is limited to test tube and animal research. Quercetin is one of the many polyphenol compounds present in plants. Quercetin may be capable of boosting testosterone levels through: Antioxidant activity. Qeurcetin may help maintain healthy testosterone levels by fighting … [Read more...]