Betaine could theoretically have nootropic benefits such as improved mood and neuroprotection, but research is lacking. Betaine is a natural compound found in many foods. Although it is most popular as a digestive aid, it has also been proposed to act as a nootropic by: Increasing SAMe. Betaine helps the body produce SAMe, a compound involved in neurotransmitter … [Read more...]
California Poppy for Stress
California poppy may help reduce anxiety according to early research. California poppy is a flowering plant believed to support calm and healthy living. It may impart such potential benefits for stress relief as: Reducing anxiety. California poppy has demonstrated anxiolytic activity in animals. Improving mood. The herb seems to influence the release of … [Read more...]
Vitamin C for Vision
Vitamin C may help protect the eyes from cataracts and slow down macular degeneration, but high doses should be avoided. Vitamin C is an essential nutrient widely consumed in supplement form. It may support healthy eyesight by: Slowing AMD. Vitamin C in combination with other antioxidants, carotenoids, and zinc may help slow the progression of AMD. Protecting … [Read more...]
Spirulina for Immunity
Edible blue-green algae spirulina may support immune system function on several fronts. Spurulina is a nutrient-rich microorganism historically used as food. It may have such immunity-related benefits as: Alleviating allergies. Spirulina has been demonstrated to fight allergies in human studies, and may also reduce other types of inflammation. Boosting immune … [Read more...]
Ginkgo Biloba for Vision
Time-honored ginkgo biloba may improve blood circulation and mitigate harmful oxidation in the eyes. The ancient Ginkgo biloba plant is a popular herbal remedy. Its health enhancing properties are believed to impart various vision benefits: Increasing blood circulation to the eye. Ginkgo may help boost blood flow to the eye. Promoting antioxidation. Ginkgo may combat … [Read more...]